There are more advantages to sustained release, exceeding the clinic:
Improved stability by encapsulating the compound in a polymer matrix, thus protecting it from environmental influences.
A sustained-release formulation can be a solution for insoluble compounds.
More cost-effective due to lower dosing levels and drug usage
Opportunity to develop formulations for insoluble compounds
Easier storage and transport
Life cycle management
An example of beneficial use of a sustained release technology: Hard-to-reach areas
Administering drugs to hard-to-reach areas, such as intraarticular space, the heart, or the eye, is extremely inconvenient to patients, especially in case of recurring injections. It can even bring patients to stop or refuse the treatment. Sustained-release drugs significantly lower the injection frequency. As a result, patient convenience and treatment compliance improves. Moreover, locally administered long-acting injectables, e.g. intratumoral administration, increase the efficacy and limit the side effects of potent drugs, further improving patient compliance.